1·The performance evaluation synthesis value of listed companies adopt level analytic method carrying on five adding power to acquire.
2·The valid tool to solve this type of problem is the fuzzy theory and level analytic method. Therefore, this paper USES level fuzzy decision model to solve it.
3·By using the level analytic method, we appraise the Dongjiang lake wetland benefit and its function, and obtain Dongjiang lake wetland benefit target system and weight analysis.
4·Analytic Hierarchy Model (AHM) was used to assess the urban water saving level of Handan City.
5·The characteristic and technical level of various analytic instruments in BCEIA 95 were introduced, and some of above instruments were also commented in this paper.
6·With 120 CUBA players as the subjects of study, and achievement motivation Scale (AMS) as analytic tool, this paper researched into the players' achievement motivation level.
7·For improving analytic method, ensuring liability of data and improving lab analytic level, quality control diagram is an effective and feasible way of management.
8·A quasi analytic method for solving structural optimization problems is developed by coordinated use of mathematical transformations, high quality approximation and two level approximation strategy.
9·By using the matrix analytic method, this model is formulated as a level-dependent Quasi-Birth-and-Death (QBD) process which makes the model much more algorithmically tractable.
10·Adopt level give and publish sustainable growth strategy appraise index system and appraise the method company FTM by analytic approach, and has carried on the practical application.